Brittney graduated from Walter State Community College this morning and we couldn't be more thrilled for her. Charles and Brittney have been dating two years now and we were honored to be able to share in this special occasion. We've watched her persevere through her classes, staying focused on her goal of graduating and today she graduated with her Associate of Science in Pre-Medicine, Cum Laude. I gave a loud whistle when they called her name:) She will continue her studies at ETSU in the fall. We are so proud of Brittney's accomplishment in achieving her goal and may God continue to guide her path. Proverbs 3: 5-6
Текст автора: "В электронном виде схем нет, поэтому фото из журнала и мои художества. Основной узор по 1 схеме, рюши по 2 схеме, я набирала 210 петель, вязала снизу вверх, потом внизу надвязывала рюши. Поля панамки вязала по второй схеме, только в веерочке добавила 1 лепесток, иначе поля будут практически одной ширины с панамкой."